The ability to delete old notes or notes that were created accidentally
Users have been asking quite often if the notes are able to be deleted. For now, they are saved indefinitely, but users want to know if they will be able to delete old ones at all. Currently, in vet practices (in Canada, at least) records have to ...
Would love to see automated dental chart generation. You could record details about every tooth during a dental procedure and a full dental chart with image annotations is created. In general, Talkatoo could expand a lot on utility of the app beyo...
Joseph Mastroianni
11 months ago
in Web App
In Discovery
Change auto-SOAP template so there is a section to record diagnostics results. The easiest way currently (it seems to me) would be to add a new tab headed as DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS into the new customizable SOAP section, in the Objective section. (ie....