Would love to see automated dental chart generation. You could record details about every tooth during a dental procedure and a full dental chart with image annotations is created. In general, Talkatoo could expand a lot on utility of the app beyo...
Joseph Mastroianni
11 months ago
in Web App
In Discovery
Option to display markdown instead of rich text in the web app
Toggle switch to show the same output that the Assistant can show, to help ensure results are bolded when added to Ezyvet Example subjective would show up bold when added to Ezy vet. But if "subjective" was already bolded in web app, it would not.
populate the vitals and physical exam sections easily. Right now you'd have to copy and paste each line item. Recalling these entries in other places in Ezvet requires the fields to be filled out correctly.
sometimes they need to back date notes when they don't get to complete them day of and they'd like the app to show that the note was done on the day of the appointment to be able to find them by date.
Ability to apply a Talkatext to all users on an account
When creating a custom template for Talkatext or other text documents, the user asked if there was a way to create it once and apply it for all users, without having to create the same one for each user separately.
Ability to enter in a replacement word for a word that is picked up in talktext dictation, somewhat similar to the library for words but instead of choosing the correct spelling, it shortens it to the predetermined abbreviation (eg "as needed" to ...
Ability to download a Talkatoo note as a text file from the web app
This feature would enable users to save their Talkatoo notes directly to their devices as text files, improving usability for those with specialized workflows or non-standard setups. This feature would benefit users who prefer file downloads over ...