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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 20, 2024

Improve AI note taking

I have used both Scribenote and Talkatoo. I love the desktop widget for Talkatoo and find this program much easier to interact with and use. However I found the AI note taking with Scribenote better. Talkatoo does a pretty good job. However sometimes it words things in a strange way. For example, it might write a portion of the history and then a statment begining with "History:" and then a statement such as "vomiting daily for 3 days". But beginning with the "History:" is unnecessarily verbose and somewhat confusing when already typing under the heading of "history". Additionally the assessment section is often too verbose. The assessment section should be a simple list of clinical symptoms, rule outs and/or diagnoses. Sometimes the plan section created by the AI is disjointed and does not flow well. I have had enough cases where I have had to edit the plan section significantly enough that on some cases I don't even have the app record the plan and I just write this myself. I had none of these issues with Scribenote. I much prefer talkatoo still becuase of the way I interact with the program. But having the AI behave more like Scribenote would take this program from good to near perfect. Perhaps if the notes could be edited within the app, before copy and pasting into the file, and the app gaining the ability to learn how I like notes written by seeing my editing might help. Not sure if that's possible or undeveloped technology, but just a thought.

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